We are all more

We are all multi-faceted and unique. You and I are complex people, living in a busy world that often misses the simple joys of life. As you walk down the street, know that inside each person you see is more than what they are showing.

We can’t have time to know everyone, but we can know that everyone has a story, and that each hopes that tomorrow will be good.


A photography project called Being Toronto (www.beingtoronto.com) has John Beebe and Michelle Gibson taking their cameras to the urban streets, to capture some of life and community.

John and Michelle are setting up their temporary photo studio at various locations, and encouraging people to have their photos taken at no cost.

Says John Beebe: “As photographers we are fascinated by people – complex, varied, part of a whole and absolutely individual. By building a studio on the sidewalk in a wide-range of neighborhoods we are allowing chance to create a portrait of this city.”

A big part of getting a portrait of someone is earning their trust. This is true whether we are taking their photo or being part of their life.

When we let others know we value them, they can more easily give of themselves.

We are all more.


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